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Contains 5% w/v chitosan hydrochloride. Soluble concentrate.

The UK’s favourite biofungicide!

Why use Chitosan

It can be used as an

Organic biofungicide!

Chitosan is a natural carbohydrate polymer. As well as being used as a biostimulant, it can also be used as an organic biofungicide. This is because chitosan is listed as a ‘Basic Substance’ by the EU (regulations 563/2014) .

It can be used as an Organic biofungicide!

Chitosan is a natural carbohydrate polymer. As well as being used as a biostimulant, it can also be used as an organic biofungicide. This is because chitosan is listed as a ‘Basic Substance’ by the EU (regulations 563/2014) .

Unlike conventional fungicides, chitosan is not a biocide (poison)

Chitosan is a potent elicitor of plant defence mechanisms. Plants detect Chitosan as ‘non-self’ and a signal that a pest or pathogen is attacking them. The crop plant itself defends against the pathogen, rather than direct biocidal activity, which is how conventional fungicides work. Because of this mode of action, chitosan is best used preventatively rather than curatively.

When diluted and sprayed onto the foliage, chitosan dries to form a ‘cap’ over fungal lesions (see picture on lupin leaves). This bio-plastic cap physically limits the pathogen’s ability to propagate through the crop by preventing the spores floating away in the air.

Before after Lupin leaves

When diluted and sprayed onto the foliage, chitosan dries to form a ‘cap’ over fungal lesions (see picture on lupin leaves). This bio-plastic cap physically limits the pathogen’s ability to propagate through the crop by preventing the spores floating away in the air.

Compatible with Wheat Carrots Sorghum Potatoes Rice Beets Barley Parsnips Oats Swede Corn |

Can be used on cereals, field vegetables, fruit trees and ornamental plants. Including but not limited to:

Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Carrots, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, Parsnips, Swede, Grapes, Tomatoes, Turf Grass, Hemp, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Spinach, Onions, Lettuces, Cauliflowers, Cabbages, Pumpkins and Squashes, Sunflowers, Peas, Beans, Leeks, Broccoli, Kale, Melons, Chillies, Peppers, Garlic, Bedding Plants, Cucumbers, Courgettes and Marrows, Triticale, Linseed, Sweet Potatoes, Oilseed Rape, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Microgreens.


Rhubarb in garden patch
Tomatoes stacked

Unlike conventional fungicides, Chitosan can be legally used on every fruit and vegetable crop.

This means that you can use chitosan as a biofungicides in crops where there are no/few registered fungicides, such as, chicory, wasabi, medlar, watercress, samphire etc.

Application Instructions

Application intervals
Cereals and field vegetables
2-8 litres / ha in 200-400 litres of water
Applied fortnightly, 4-8 times during the growing season, from germination to harvest.
Potato tubers
Dip tubers into a Chitosan solution of 10L of water before plant / hitting.
2-16 litres / ha in 200-400 litres of water
Applied fortnightly, 4-8 times during the growing season, from germination/bud break until harvest.
Home and garden use
10-20 mL / litre of tap water
Use a fine mist sprayer. Shake product once mixed in water.
Pre-harvest Index (PHI) = 0 days! This means you can apply chitosan biofungicide right up to the day of harvest, if you so wish. This is not true of any other fungicide. This offers growers massive flexibility and additional options when fungal diseases are out of control.
Chitosan can also be applied as a dip or seed coat before sowing potatoes, sugar beet, or cereals. Dip tubers in 100-200mL diluted into 10L of water.

Safety Information

Do not tank mix. Chitosan is a natural cationic flocculant, and as such, will react with most other fertilisers, biostimulants, and pesticides.

For more information

For more information on how to use on chitosan to cereal crops download our FUNGICIDE REDUCTION ACTION PLAN
Fungicide Reduction Action Plan

Chitosan Reivews

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